Astroimaging of Planets
Daytime Venus
This daytime photo of a waning Venus was taken by my daughter Sarah and me
using her 4.5"
dobsonian telescope and our Nikon Coolpix 4300. It was imaged at the point
of maximum
(visible) brightness.
Io Transits Jupiter
As Jupiter rotates & Ganymede's orbital distance increases (top left),
Io (lower right) crosses
in front of the gas giant. Once Io is lost in the planets reflection it's
shadow comes into view.
This animation is composed of 24 images taken over 47 minutes
with a Nikon Coolpix 4300 through a 25mm eyepiece in the LX200.
Io appears at the lower right as another of Jupiter's moons,
Ganymede, casts its shadow on the planet at the upper left.
(LX200 with Nikon Coolpix 4300)
(sum of 3 images. LX-200 and Nikon Coolpix 4300)
Mars near closest approach.
Forty one stacked images.
(Eyepiece projection with 32mm Televue, 8" LX-200 and Casio QV-8000 SX)
Collaborative effort with John.
Thirty nine stacked images.
(Eyepiece projection with 32mm Televue, 8" LX-200 and Casio QV-8000 SX)
Collaborative effort with John and Russ.
A .001 sec image taken with the SBIG ST-7E camera on the LX-200. A mask was
used the reduce the
aperture size and prevent overexposure. A barlow lens increased the image
A 0.10 second image taken with the SBIG ST-7E camera and the LX-200.
A mask was used to reduce the aperture and a barlow to increase the image
Russ and I imaged this using eyepiece projection with a Televue 32mm
on the LX-200.
Sum of seven 1/45 sec. exposures on a Casio QV-8000
SX digital camera.
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This page and all images are Copyright © PAO 1998-2004. Images may be reproduced with permission.
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